This is more of a PoC (Proof of Concept) for the Movie Library Site. I have taken a couple of requirements to build a working code -
The site maintains a list of tons of movies and each movie is identified by a title, price, release date and category. To assist the users in searching movies easily - a search field is provided. So if we enter "English" in the search box, it would return all English movies in the sorted order of title. It would also provide a "Faceted Navigation" - a concept which is used widely these days. So along with displaying the list of English movies, it would categories them on the left hand side section with search results based on "Categories". And the Categories will be displaying the title and will be sorted on the total occurrences found (desc order). Following is the result page for the application we are building (displaying Kannada movies)
The next requirement is to provide Pagination for the results as shown below. In the above page, if we click on "List All" we end up with the below page -
The next functionality we want to build is for the Suppliers. The suppliers want to add movies into our library and hence we provide them with a FTP location. Suppliers would create one or more CSV Files (Comma-Separated-File) of predefined format and put it onto the FTP location. We will create a scheduler application to poll the folder, pick up the files and extract and populate it in the database. On completion of this step, the movies will become available on the site. The format of the CSV is as below-
In a real-world scenario they would be creating a zip file containing CSV files and images.
Tools/Technologies Used-
JDK 1.6 (or above)
Maven 3.0.4
Eclipse Juno
Spring 3.1.1
Hibernate 4.1.4
Lucene/Hibernate Search 4.2.0
Spring MVC 3.1.1
Jackson 1.9.4 (for JSON)
JQuery 1.7.2
Spring Integration 2.2.0 (Spring Batch support)
Mockito Test Framework for Test Driven Development (in progress...)
1) Download and install JDK 1.6 from here
2) Download and install Eclipse IDE from here
3) Download and install Maven from here
4) Setup environment variables as follows-
The site maintains a list of tons of movies and each movie is identified by a title, price, release date and category. To assist the users in searching movies easily - a search field is provided. So if we enter "English" in the search box, it would return all English movies in the sorted order of title. It would also provide a "Faceted Navigation" - a concept which is used widely these days. So along with displaying the list of English movies, it would categories them on the left hand side section with search results based on "Categories". And the Categories will be displaying the title and will be sorted on the total occurrences found (desc order). Following is the result page for the application we are building (displaying Kannada movies)
The next requirement is to provide Pagination for the results as shown below. In the above page, if we click on "List All" we end up with the below page -
The next functionality we want to build is for the Suppliers. The suppliers want to add movies into our library and hence we provide them with a FTP location. Suppliers would create one or more CSV Files (Comma-Separated-File) of predefined format and put it onto the FTP location. We will create a scheduler application to poll the folder, pick up the files and extract and populate it in the database. On completion of this step, the movies will become available on the site. The format of the CSV is as below-
In a real-world scenario they would be creating a zip file containing CSV files and images.
Tools/Technologies Used-
JDK 1.6 (or above)
Maven 3.0.4
Eclipse Juno
Spring 3.1.1
Hibernate 4.1.4
Lucene/Hibernate Search 4.2.0
Spring MVC 3.1.1
Jackson 1.9.4 (for JSON)
JQuery 1.7.2
Spring Integration 2.2.0 (Spring Batch support)
Mockito Test Framework for Test Driven Development (in progress...)
1) Download and install JDK 1.6 from here
2) Download and install Eclipse IDE from here
3) Download and install Maven from here
4) Setup environment variables as follows-
5) Download MYSQL and install from here
6) Set the root username/password as root/root. Open MySQL Shell and create a database with name - "TPCH"
7) Create a table "CD" with initial data. Following SQL can be used-
9) Extract it to a folder, say C:\\Projects. This will create the following directory structure-
It is a maven project with 4 maven modules (highlighted in red). Apart from that there is a lucene folder, which is used for indexing.
The main project is a POM.
5) Download MYSQL and install from here
6) Set the root username/password as root/root. Open MySQL Shell and create a database with name - "TPCH"
7) Create a table "CD" with initial data. Following SQL can be used-
8) Next download the complete movie library project from here9) Extract it to a folder, say C:\\Projects. This will create the following directory structure-
It is a maven project with 4 maven modules (highlighted in red). Apart from that there is a lucene folder, which is used for indexing.
The main project is a POM.
Web has dependency on Service and DAO
Service is dependent on DAO
Batch is independent stand-alone depends on DAO
Maven has a standard directory structure-
src/main/resources used for configuration
src/main/java used for source code
src/main/test used for test cases
10) Open Eclipse and import as maven project (root should be C:\\Projects\spring-mockito)
11) Configuration changes (if any)-
Ensure the connection url, username and password are as specified by you.
The property "" is used to specify where lucene has to store its index.
Ensure the values are right here
12) Run the following commands from a command prompt-
C:\Project\spring-mockito>mvn clean install
C:\Project\spring-mockito\spring-mockito-web>mvn jetty:run
The first command cleans up the maven modules and creates the targets.
The second command deploys the war file and starts-up jetty (light weight server). If you want to test on tomcat, please copy the war from spring-mockito-web\target folder and deploy to tomcat directory.
13) To access the application the url is http://localhost:8080/spring-mockito-web/index.jsp
14) To test the Supplier functionality first ensure that you have a directory C:\\FileServer\input created already. You can change the location in the file
Service is dependent on DAO
Batch is independent stand-alone depends on DAO
Maven has a standard directory structure-
src/main/resources used for configuration
src/main/java used for source code
src/main/test used for test cases
10) Open Eclipse and import as maven project (root should be C:\\Projects\spring-mockito)
11) Configuration changes (if any)-
Ensure the connection url, username and password are as specified by you.
The property "" is used to specify where lucene has to store its index.
Ensure the values are right here
12) Run the following commands from a command prompt-
C:\Project\spring-mockito>mvn clean install
C:\Project\spring-mockito\spring-mockito-web>mvn jetty:run
The first command cleans up the maven modules and creates the targets.
The second command deploys the war file and starts-up jetty (light weight server). If you want to test on tomcat, please copy the war from spring-mockito-web\target folder and deploy to tomcat directory.
13) To access the application the url is http://localhost:8080/spring-mockito-web/index.jsp
14) To test the Supplier functionality first ensure that you have a directory C:\\FileServer\input created already. You can change the location in the file
Run the stand-alone java class com.raj.projects.batch.client.Main from spring-mockito-batch project. This will startup the poller and the integration environment.
15) Create files with .csv extension as shown below-
You can store as many files as you want. However ensure that the Ids are unique.
Drop the files into the folder C:\\FileServer\input
They will be picked up and processed and movie entries written to database. Then the files will be deleted.
Thank you very match for this tutorial, you are a good man, I have never found a tutorial that explain all the steps, thanks lot, I will try it soon, I am so excited I will learn lot of things from your project.
ReplyDeleteThanks Majid..I saw your mail. Replying back to you..
ReplyDeleteI imported this project in sts, when I tried to run it , I got :
Publishing failed
Publishing failed with multiple errors
File not found: /Users/majid/Documents/workspace/spring-mockito/spring-mockito-web/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
Resource is out of sync with the file system: '/spring-mockito-web/target/classes/com/raj/projects/controller/SearchController.class'.
File not found: /Users/majid/Documents/workspace/spring-mockito/spring-mockito-service/target/classes/META-INF/maven/com.raj.projects/spring-mockito-service/
File not found: /Users/majid/Documents/workspace/spring-mockito/spring-mockito-dao/target/classes/META-INF/maven/com.raj.projects/spring-mockito-dao/